Changing education changes the society and world. The way we go about developing our educational systems, schools and curricula defines our future. School development and curriculum reforms are essential part of national policies and key strategies, and therefore, sites of ideological struggle. Yet, at its heart, developing schools is about creating places for young people to grow and help them to understand themselves and the world around them. At its best, educational reforms can also serve as a counterforce or buffer against undesired societal developments.
In our research group we are interested in processes of change and actors that both make changes happen and are caught in middle of them; enagage, resist and facilitate them. We view learning both as the aim and as the primary means of achieving and sustaining meaningful educational change. We ask how actors in different levels of the educational system could learn together and as individuals? And what are the regulators and possibilities for wellbeing and agency in processes of educational change?
Our research group is dedicated to develop the theories of educational change while simultaneously finding novel and usable answers to challenges of development work. Our research aims to identify strategies of leading a sustainable school development, help teachers to find ways to intentionally learn in classroom, use co-regulation as the strategy for agency and well-being and, to understand how students could use peers as a resource for learning in school. We aim to understand the premises for engaging learning for teachers and students in school and meaningful learning in the whole school system.
SchoolWell-hankkeemme tutkimusta tiiviisti – Tiivistämme tutkimuksen tuloksia SchoolWell -hankkeessa sarjakuviksi ja postereiksi. Pääset tutustumaan muihin sarjakuviin ja postereihimme täällä:
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