Ongoing projects:


Future School of Comprehensive Wellbeing (SCHOOLWELL)

2022-2025 funded by STN, SA

Post-Doctoral Research: Development of students’ social support and study wellbeing from basic school to secondary education

2021-2023 Finnish Cultural Foundation


Piloting “Finnish model” – Bringing hobbies into school day

Finnish National Agency of Education 1/2021-6/2021


Early Career Teachers Professional Agency Across Four European countries – Key for Sustainable Educational Change?

2018 – 2022, Academy of Finland


Well-being and Equality in Early Years of School Path – Towards a Flexible School Day in Pirkanmaa Region

2019 – 2020, Finnish National Agency for Education


Teachers’ Strategies Matter – Unknown Resource for Buffering School Differences in Student Learning and Well-being

2016 – 2020, Academy of Finland


School matters. Towards a research based school development

2013 – 2019, Ministry of Education and Culture


Post-Doctoral Research: Trajectories of Teachers’ Active Learning in Transition from Education to Working Life – The function of learning contexts’ social support for the emergence of active learning.


Completed projects:


From Student Teacher to Experienced Teacher:
Learning an Active Professional Agency

2012 – 2016, Academy of Finland

The study focuses on exploring teacher learning in terms of teachers’ professional agency. It intends to extend previous research on teacher learning:
– by providing understanding on teacher learning and effects of professional transitions for teacher learning based on a large scale longitudinal empirical design
– by introducing an instrument for exploring different ingredients of teacher learning in a variety of contexts, including teacher training and school
– by comparing learning patterns of beginning and experienced teachers and different teacher groups and
– by introducing an integrative concept professional agency for analyzing complexity of teacher learning.

PI-group: Kirsi Pyhältö (HU), Janne Pietarinen (UEF), Tiina Soini (TAU) & Auli Toom (HU)

Project’s financial administration is placed in the University of Helsinki, Department of Teacher Education. The project is scientifically led by the PI group. The teacher education units of these universities act also as sites of research.


Learning, agency and pedagogical well-being in comprehensive school

2009 – 2014, Ministry of Education

The large-scale research project explores learning and well-being in the Finnish comprehensive school. The main empirical focuses are 1) the development of students’ school experiences (sense of agency, belonging and pedagogical well-being) and school engagement, and 2) changes in teachers’ pedagogical well-being and professional development in the context of school development.

Project’s administration: Project’s financial administration is divided into three universities; HU, UTA and UEF. The project is scientifically led by the PI group, which also makes decisions regarding the use of funding in cooperating universities.

PI-group: Janne Pietarinen (UEF), Kirsi Pyhältö (HU) & Tiina Soini (TAU)




Research group’s doctoral students have individual grants for their dissertation projects, which are linked to larger project presented above. Current funders are Finnish Cultural Foundation,  Finnish Academy of Science and Letters/Eino Jutikkala Fund, Wihuri Foundation and funded doctoral programs of Universities of Helsinki, Tampere and Eastern Finland.